Blue Trees and better video

Now I had some sun and time to test the DB940. I combined it with a dark sepia filter from Lee (probably “Chocolate”) and got wonderful results, especially in video mode. The other Blue Trees combo with the DB850 worked well with photos, but not with video. Here you get very good results straight out of the camera. Also, the reds and yellows are already more present from the start.

I used a full spectrum Nikon D600 with the 18-55 DX zoom lens.

Here are some photos:

Blue Trees

Blue Trees

Blue Trees

Blue Trees

Blue Trees

And here’s a video. This is raw, completely unedited video footage. The YouTube quality is shitty. For whatever reason. No idea how other people manage to upload their videos to the platform in high quality. And even with this poor quality and short video duration, loading and “review” time are terrible. Thumbs down for YouTube. Booh!

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