I still can’t believe I could create a new IR style that features blue trees and otherwise natural colors. Combined with the Nikon D700, whose sensor seems ideally suited for specialized IR false-color styles, the filter combo of Midopt DB850 and a orange filter from Lee (unfortunately, I still don’t know the exact name) gives wonderful, atmospheric photos.
As mostly, I use the older 50mm lens with this filter combo. For me the best lens for IR photography with a full frame camera, and especially with dichroic filters. Because when you use such highly specialized filters, which only allow specific wavelengths to pass, there is a slight discoloration or color shift with wider angle lenses, depending on the incidence of light.
I took advantage of the short time I had today to go for a walk in Bonstettenpark in Thun and do some more testing. Unfortunately it was cloudy most of the time. But I am still very happy with the results, especially with the colors that are reproduced. Non-IR reflective green is green, the same goes for yellow, red and blue. That’s the way it should be. This drawing of a “green man” I found on one of the stones on the shore served as a reference.