Just a quick note about my test with Nikon D700 and the Nikon 35mm f/2 AF. This could become my new favorite lens – sharp, no fringing, no hotspots. That’s how it should be.
In general, the first thing to do is to use Liveview – especially at close range. Secondly, it can also be advantageous to shoot in M mode and turn to “infinity” especially for objects that are medium-distance away.
I tested the 35mm f/2 AF with two filters.
X1-Orange “Aerochrome” filter: Objects at a great distance and the edges of the image are sharp from from f/13, better 14. Temperature 2800. Tint: 67. Blues -30, Greens -20.
720nm: Objects at a great distance and the edges of the image are sharp from f/8, better 9.