Tag: Lee filters

Aerochrome for the digital age

For digital photography, I think this is the best option to revive the long-defunct Aerochrome (Kodak EIR). And best of all, it’s straight out of the camera, without…

aerochrome filter

The ultimate Aerochrome filter?

Aerochrome – once again. For the umpteenth time I dedicate a post to this topic. Right at the beginning, I have to completely revise a statement from an…

Medium Amber

Another great combo

It works! The DB940 filter now also fits my favorite lens – the Nikon 50mm f/1.8. Since the diameter of the filter is very small even for the…


DB940: a new filter to play with

Here’s another filter from Midwest Optics that might be of particular interest to fans of obscure IR false-color styles: The DB940. It is particularly suitable for color palettes…

Lee-Filter Blue grass

Blue grass: Filter found!

This post is very short, but of the utmost importance. At least that’s what I think. I finally found the Lee filter that can be used to generate…

Cheap IR filter

Cheap IR filter: DIY

Many IR filters made of glass are expensive, especially if you buy them for lenses with a wide front diameter. In the last few weeks I have started…

IR Chrome Filter

Make your own IR Chrome

Yes, I made a mistake. I have unfairly praised and promoted the IR Chrome filter in the past. Kolari Vision’s filter, designed by a French IR fan named…

Blue trees

A new obsession: Blue trees

As I probably once alluded to, I am looking for a false color IR style that will produce blue trees. I have tried many things. For a long…