Into the blue with DB940

The DB940 is the perfect filter for blue vegetation, in combination with Lee filters, especially Medium Amber. The other variant I have presented here also works, but the contrasts are stronger with the DB940 from Midwest Optics and the blues tend to go more in the direction of aqua blue and are somewhat more varied. At least with most cameras. With the Nikon D70 with a CCD sensor I noticed almost no differences.

Here is the comparison (both shot with Nikons with CMOS sensors).

GRB1 plus Medium Amber + Redhancer:

Shades of Blue GRB1

DB940 + Medium Amber:

Shades of Blue DB940

I went out today with a Nikon D3100 and the 40mm Nikkor Micro (DB940 and Medium Amber). A great combo that produced great photos despite CMOS (I tend to find that CCDs can handle false colors better). It’s not just the sensor that matters, but also the lens.

I tend to minimally optimize the photos with the channel mixer (in the blue channel -30 for red and +30 for green). This results in magenta tones tending towards red and orange and yellow coming out more strongly.

Here is the comparison.

Directly from the camera:

Shades of Blue DB940

With channel mixer:

Shades of Blue DB940

Here are a few more photos:

And here is a video:

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