New dawns

This blog has been rather quiet lately. Recently, I haven’t had the time and energy to venture into the mountains for new photos to expand my portfolio.

Currently, I’ve taken up a new hobby: tabletop gaming. It’s been taking up much of my time, with the significant advantage of not depending on the weather.

However, I still engage in photo-related activities. For instance, my interest in visible light photography has been rekindled, and I’m experimenting with various special filters.

This inspiration came from a post by Fedia on the Ultraviolet Forum, who has also commented here. The idea is to recreate a specific film stock using digital cameras, which I find very exciting.

I’m still fascinated by color polarizers like the Cokin Varicolor, particularly the blue-red variety. The photo above was taken with this filter in the early morning hours. I’m always on the lookout for new ways to create unique, unusual, and novel effects on photo sensors.

There’s also some stuff happening with IR false color photography. I’ve started selling more cameras from my collection and experimenting with new styles. I’ll share more details in a future post.

Although I’ll be stepping back a bit to pursue other interests, my passion for photography — both beyond and within the visible spectrum — remains strong. Stay tuned!

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