What new color palettes could be achieved with full-spectrum (visible, UV and IR) cameras? This is a question I often ponder.
Some months ago I had read a blog post by David Twede, an infrared and full-spectrum photo artist in the US. In this article, Twede describes a simple method to achieve the Aerochrome look with non-Sigma full-spectrum cameras. It’s really an interesting and smart way to do it: Use a combination of an inefficient hot mirror (that part of the camera that blocks IR and UV) and a blue-green filter.
The results are quite good and can definitely compete with images made with the quite expensive IR Chrome filter by Kolari Vision.
So I asked David if he’d also tried out other filters. The use of an inefficient hot mirror was new to me, so I thought that this technique could hold some new and unexpected looks in the full-spectrum realm. I was especially interested in a violet, lavendel-like or even blue color for the trees and grass. It can be achieved to some extent by using a simple yellow filter, but I’m sure it can be done better.
David told me that he would look into it. Some weeks later he wrote a blog post about it and shared the results with me. Take a look above at the picture by David. I think he did a great job. Here’s what you need for this full-spectrum color scheme according to David. Apparently you don’t need an inefficient hot mirror additionally, just a brownish or goldish filter:
The closest commercial equivalent is the Lee gel L156 chocolate, followed by Rosco’s e-color+ e156. Other potential candidates would be Rosco R99, their Permacolor P3114 (Victorian Gold) or possibly their R20.