Does my method hold up?

I went outside to see how well my method reproduces the Aerochrome color changes (for context please see previous entries). For this purpose, I took photos with this combo on the one hand, and photos with the two-image technique (hot mirror and 830nm filter) on the other hand. Preliminary conclusion: Very good.

Workflow in Photoshop for processing the orange-green photos (values will probably still change a little for the optimal result):

1. in Raw converter: set white balance to stone/road, change Hues (Greens -15, Aquas -15, Blues -30).
2. open in Photoshop, then move channels: Blue to Red, Red to Green, Green to Blue.
3. in the channel mixer: change values in the red channel (resulting in green +100, blue -100), change values in the green channel (resulting in green +200, blue -100)

From top to bottom: Visible, Hot-Mirror/830nm, Orange-Green.


Hello, i don’t understand what you mean by “2. open in Photoshop, then move channels: Blue to Red, Red to Green, Green to Blue.” Could you explain it to me please?

The best way to do this is in the channel mixer. You change the values there from:

Red: 100, 0, 0
Green: 0, 100, 0
Blue: 0, 0, 100


Red: 0, 0, 100
Green: 100, 0, 0
Blue: 0, 100, 0